A Fatwā is a formal legal ruling on Islamic law and is binding on Muslims and Islamic Courts. Traditionally and historically, Fatwa Councils are recognized as the highest Islamic judicial authority by all Muslims. Fatwa Councils are the de-facto legitimate source for anyone seeking scholarly edicts and jurisprudential advice on both individual and public matters.
Fatwa Councils are regionally based and are in equivalence to a Supreme Court. However, each Islamic sect has its own Fatwa Councils and Islamic Courts. A local Fatwa Committee then reports to the central Fatwa Councils and Islamic Seminaries.
A Fatwa Council’s legal scope of influence is determined by the number of denominations, sects and schools of thought its jurists and legal scholars represent. The Islamic Fatwa Council for Religious Guidance (IFC) was established by the instructions of the Holy Islamic Seminaries as a comprehensive and representative legal body serving and representing Muslims worldwide irrespective of their sects or denomination.
The Islamic Fatwa Council (IFC) is the first global governing judicial body specializing in deducing Fatwas from indisputable and moderate Islamic references. The IFC transcends borders and continents as its jurists and legal scholars come from all Islamic denominations and sects, reinforcing the credibility and legality of the issued verdict. It is a representative legal body of all sects of Islam, critical for denouncing and opposing all forms of violent verdicts and hateful public statements.
A legal source for all Muslims, Islamic councils and Sharia Courts.
Functioning across all nations and cultures to coordinate legal requirements and necessities.
A unifying and diverse legal body that embraces islamic jurists of all sects.
The first objective of the Islamic Fatwa Council is to reclaim the Islamic legal system from extremists, Islamists and supporters of terrorism. Religious law is sacred and must not be abused and misused for political power.
Secondly, to recognize and appreciate the expertise of exceptional jurists and legal scholars who have been marginalized as a result of their neutral opinions. We embrace their contributions and legal reasoning and welcome them to our Fatwa Council.
Thirdly, this Fatwa Council restores the universality and integrity of Islamic legal verdicts. It provides Muslims with an alternative legal body that issues Islamic laws applicable to all Islamic sects.
The Islamic Fatwa Council will serve as the council for Islamic jurisprudence and provide governments and professional organizations with advice on Islam and Islamic law.
The Islamic Fatwa Council will Respond to deviant, hateful, violent and political Fatwas issued by extremist jurists by a) issuing countering Fatwas that invalidate them and render them unlawful, and b) denouncing and excommunicating extremist clerics.
Lastly, to reassure Imams who seek to create a more peaceful and just society a successful career through training and accreditation in coordination with The Global Imams Council. This will ensure consistent orientation and support for Imams that advocate for peace and oppose extremism and terrorism.